#1 The Bouquet
What is your ideal bouquet? Beautiful flowers? Many colors or all white? Roses, daisies, lilies? How about garlic and dill? Apparently that was the beginning of bouquets and started around the time of the plague. Not sure about you, but we are sure glad that people use flowers now!
#2 Garter Tossing
This is usually the part of the ceremony that everyone loves, a little intimate where the bride and groom share a moment and then the male guests get to fight over catching the little piece of elastic and lace. However, in medieval times, it was customary for guests to rush a bride at the end of the ceremony to snag a piece of her dress as this was considered good luck. Someone finally decided to toss the garter out to keep the bride from being trampled.
#4 The Veil
The veil was originally intended to protect the bride from evil spirits. It was also a boon to the bride's family in an arranged marriage where usually the bride and groom never met until the ceremony. The veil would ensure that the groom would not see the bride until the very last minute when backing out of the marriage would be near impossible.
#5 The Best Man
This originated long ago when the groom would literally have to steal his bride away from her family. He would often choose his strongest, most capable friend to assist him in the stealing as well as protecting her during the ceremony.
#6 The Tiered Wedding Cake
In the old days, guests would each bring small cakes and stack them on top of each other. Eventually a French baker created a tiered cake to replace the small ones and the idea has been stuck ever since.
There are many, many more neat stories about wedding traditions that you can find. The point of this information, though, is to show you that you are not bound by tradition. Most things that people call tradition are nothing like they originated. Make your wedding day your own and be happy with it. All that matters in the end is that you have fun and seal your commitment to each other!