I remember when I was young and in Little League there would be a photographer come to the field and take a team picture and individual pictures. Then parents could order and get one of those woodgrain printed 8X10 mats with the individual and team pictures in it. I may still have a couple of those in my box of old pictures.
I don't know when that stopped, or maybe it is only for Little League or non-school activities. Well, KX2 Photography would like to offer your school sport, independent sport or other recreational activity the opportunity to not only offer portraits of your team/group members, but also use it as a way to raise money for your team!
Call, e-mail, or send us a message to set up a time for us to come shoot your team. We offer low prices that are affordable for any budget. KX2 Photography also makes sure we take several different images so you aren't stuck choosing from the standard and sometimes boring pose! We also offer multiple images on a single sheet, you won't find that with most photography studios!
As I mentioned above, this isn't just for sports or schools! Competition Dance and Cheerleading, Karate, Skateboarding, and just about anything else you can think of. (KX2 Photography reserves the right to refuse a group if it is based solely on political agendas, hate or racial views, or anything that is deemed inappropriate or immoral.)
To see more Sports pictures just click on the 'Sports' tab above! There are other tabs with samples of our work so feel free to look through them all. As usual, tell a friend about us, and find us on Facebook if you haven't already!